Friday, April 28, 2006

Ölkemi and staying home

I have bought a painting of a tea drinking elephant.

Together with a friend I have started the process of reverse alchemy. Searching for the Philosopher's gallstone. How to turn gold into gall. In Swedish it is called Ölkemi. It is a very advanced chemestry that requires the finest non-acoholic Norrlands Guld beer and a set of various teas.

We had the thought that we should combine his passionate love for beer with my passionate love for tea. Don't ever try to boil beer.

I am currently leading a very intense life of studying trigonometry, writing manuscripts, working and being in Church. Sometimes I forget how much life rocks. Now I am reminded of what a splendid gift life is and how much there is to enjoy!

I am staying for another year in my home town. Too much good stuff happening, too many wonderful friends, too much love -just can't leave! Oh, shoot, I'm homebound... I actually love Nyköping!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

life lesson #me

I am being taught by life and God to love myself. It seems this is a choice I have to make, and learn to practice. I am practicing it by doing to myself what I do to others I choose to love. I smile at myself. I tell myself I love me. I make nice, really superhealthy food with fresh vegetables, and go jogging, and tanning and taking care of my body. I place my hand on my skin and pray light and life and love in to myself, just as I do when I hug my friends... It's not as hard as it has been. It's getting easier. The hard thing is to allow myself to love myself. I feel a bit guilty, and very selfish. My only comfort is the thought that I can't love others without loving myself... And I live to love others! But I sure don't want to run short of love, and as love is somethign that grows the more you practice it, I am currently praticing loving myself...