Monday, March 23, 2009

images of god and man

Our definitions say more about us than about God.

It makes me sad that we Christians so often fight over theologies. I wish to make clear I don’t believe I am right. I believe I have met God, or rather; seen a tiny glimpse of what can not be defined by human words. I spend my life trying to grasp with my heart what cannot be understood by my brain. But I still think we need to think and speak.

All we have is our pictures; constantly changing; of a living God larger than our pictures. I need to quote a very close and loved friend, I hope you don’t mind, dearest.

God is none of our pictures of God. God is someone far beyond all of these. But pictures may be icons that help to draw us in, though if we ever get stuck at one picture, we'll be missing some other important aspect. “

I see God in people, flowers, sunlight. I have many pictures of God. I see God in Church, in The Word, in communion. But I also see that people have been oppressed by words used by Christians, wounded for life by our interpretations and rigid opinions. I believe we need new definitions. We need to hear new voices speaking out on the love of God. A young girl, still a child, once stood up and praised the Lord for showing her what powerful men around the world had not seen. She was to bear a child, bear within her God. I believe the unexpected still carry God within them. Bear new images, not complete, but alive.

White male theologians have determined what Christian faith is, for a very long time now. Much wisdom has been found. But there are many voices left unheard. I have not the complete Truth. I have a small vision of it. Others may have more. Already white male theologians through history have had many different ways of interpreting the Bible. There are many more. We need them. It lets us see many views of God. It teaches us not to be stubborn. If I only met people who agreed with me, I would never grow. I am learning this from others also learning it, while growing by my side. I tend to be stubborn but am humbled when met by people who disagree with me in loving ways. If I never listen to others I may be entitled to seeing others as less intelligent, less lovable, less Christian or even less human than me.

In Sweden, being born white, middle class and having chosen a heterosexual marriage I am in a position of power. I need to ask myself as a Christian and as a human, how do I use that power? Do I use a language that hurts people? Do I use my faith as a weapon against people?

For centuries a picture has been created of God as a man who can wipe out entire cities, kill children, and punish people with suffering and torture. I drew a picture of the Truth as a lesbian woman, in the eyes of this world the least of the least, with no power, completely naked, loving, breathing life into creation, having a loving relationship with what she has created. Why is that image of God more provocative?


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