Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I believe God is a naked lesbian woman who makes out with the flowers in the morning.
You may say that is a metaphor. I say it is The Truth.

"Truth is not fact but relationship" say the wise. I treasure my relationship with God. She smiles.

We all view God from our own standpoint. Does that make our view of God any less true? We can only view God from our own standpoint. And so we judge eachothers views from our own perspective - thus turning them askew.

God gave us The Word after she gave us The Brain.
Maybe her features blur when we try to take her picture.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's quite an analogy of God... I definitely view God as a woman as much as I do a man, in some ways... the lesbian part I'm not so sure on, as it really doesn't seem to fit with the God who values holiness... I think homosexuality is a perversion of what God intends for sexuality as a picture of completeness.

But I think you're right on the one point... we all perceive God differently.

January 28, 2009 2:16 PM  
Blogger wild rose pilgrim said...

I believe that the union of people in love, coming together in love and respect, regardless of gender, is a perfect picture for the holiness and completeness of God. No matter what our physical bodies look like, I believe we have the capacity of manifesting the body of God when we love. I believe God loves when we love. It's as simple as that. Love and respet IS holiness.

January 29, 2009 12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I guess I can't agree about the picture being perfect regardless of gender... God obviously created man and woman as complimentary to each other, the parts not being the point, but a picture, a simile of God's intention for relationship... the nature of man and woman coming together to form something complete. YHWH reiterates this again and again throughout Scripture.

January 29, 2009 2:17 PM  
Blogger wild rose pilgrim said...

I believe that you and I are complete already. I honestly don't think we need to have sex to become so. Therefore I don't believe it takes a man and a female to form completeness.

January 30, 2009 5:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved are you so. Find it in any part of your being.


February 06, 2009 11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear, I am real worried about you.
I know you always tried to be different or to rebel against traditions and in many ways you have right. I know and understand it far too well, cause i am pretty the same.
Yet the point that the others are not correct, or are hypocrites or too traditional doesn't mean you're right in everything either.
If you try to get attention, you maybe get it... yet the most attention you can get you ONLY will get from your Creator.

You made me smile and feel alive many times, yet in the last 2 years... i felt that you walked away from the real living God, and created a picture of Him that suits you.
I was very sad to hear that you had put your boy-friend before Christ. He became to you more important than Christ. And this is speaking to all of us with the definition of the Bible - idolatry.
Don't worry i know it from my own life far too well, so i won't throw stones at you, cause i am not the Judge, yet Christ is!
He is Love, He is the Truth, the Life and he will judge everything and everyone according to what's in their heart.
You can deny it, you can try to explain it away or whatsoever.... it won't change a thing!

Yes, we ALL see God from a different perspective, yet the Bible, God's word, tells us exactly who and how God is!
Well, nice try to paint God as a Lesbian, but except it'll offend many religious people, you won't achieve much. There were many other wise men and women who tried to fathom God with their brains, yet most of them ended in a mental house like for instant Nietsche. Hope you're not in the same boat.

I know you were seeking, yet I felt like you settled for less than you deserve!

I pray you will seek Him again with all of your heart and may 'divine discontent' dwell in your heart forever, never stopping to seek HIM alone!

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12

Do not get fooled by the evil spirits around you. Yes, we have a responsibility for this earth, as well for people around us, yet the Spirit is who will live forever, not the Creation!
So fix your eyes on the things unseen!

And if you want to get a good biblical view about sexuality how God intended it to be, i'd recommend you to watch the series on Song of Songs 'The Peasant Princess'.


March 08, 2009 5:42 PM  
Blogger wild rose pilgrim said...

I prefer answering thoughts about life and relationship with God, when I know who is writing?

March 22, 2009 5:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I pray to the God of love and understanding. I don't pretend to know His ways. I do, however, trust His good intentions. I have come to realise that I myself am nothing without God, that I cannot love without God, that indeed the love that streams through my heart is only God loving through me.

This has led me to the conclusion that love in all it's forms is for the good, for it is through love that we meet God. I still cannot fathom His will, but I will bend to love, wherever it may take me, for I seek a life in His arms, always.

Refusing to love is the same as refusing God from my life. Becoming blinded by the issue of sex is only trivial and a sign of misguided perception next to this eternal truth. I simply cannot put it in easier words than this.

March 22, 2009 12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sad you didn't recongnize me. :(

April 09, 2009 2:26 PM  
Blogger wild rose pilgrim said...

I am sorry, but my guesses aren't helping me. Please contact me so i know who's writing. Someone who knows what text was read at our wedding, but that doesn't help much.

April 29, 2009 3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Refusing to love is the same as refusing God from my life. Becoming blinded by the issue of sex is only trivial and a sign of misguided perception next to this eternal truth. I simply cannot put it in easier words than this."
trivial |ˈtrivēəl| adjective
of little value or importance
Well, if I understood you right Mattias, then it is you who decided what is 'TRIVIAL' and what not. I guess, you stand above the law of the Living God.

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1.Corinthians 6

I can agree with you on one thing, hunting fruit of the sin is trivial and are merely chased by religious and legalistic people, yet the fruit of the sin is only a symptom, the real issue lies at the root of the sin. And in this case it is not the pre-marital sex or adultery or you name it... it's IDOLATRY.

Like Martin Luther said once: if you keep the first and the second commandments, you won't break the others, for your God is only ONE God and only HE is to be worshipped.

WHo of all of us has the 'misguided perception' will be revealed when we stand at the Judgement Day before Christ.
I am glad that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to some of these issues and even more to the matters of the heart, for where you treasure is your heart will also be!

Hope this link will help you:

April 29, 2009 1:40 PM  
Blogger wild rose pilgrim said...

Leaving anonymous comments is not a good way of communicating. I do know who you are now, but you would have spared me some misunderstandings had you been honest from the start.

April 30, 2009 2:00 AM  

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