Saturday, November 19, 2005


We have now come half way from Roncesvalles to Santiago!

Last night I slept in the same albergue, in Terradillos, as a Belgian couple I have been travelling with for a while now. We had an open fire, good tea and a peaceful evening. I am reading Tennesse Williams' A streetcar named Desire, which means it can be hard communicating with me. Every spare moment I am lost in the Penguine Classics with yellowing pages...

Joe has returned to Madrid for the weekend, to rejoin us on Monday or Tuesday. I am in charge of his walking stick, The Joestick, which usually indicates that Joe is to be found in whatever bar it has been placed outside. Now it is my main travelling companion, and a good one too.

I need to find a supermercado. I still have time. Everything closes at 2 pm. It then re-opens at 5 pm. The Spanish schedule doesn't make sense to a Swede. We don't have the same summer heat as Spain does. We don't eat a huge lunch that goes on from 2-5 every afternoon either. And we definitly don't eat our evening meal at 9 pm. But, I'm getting used to it. Just need to find a shop before it closes...


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