Friday, November 11, 2005

going deeper into myself

And then the full impact of the consequences of womanhood hit me. I didn't get very far out of Logrono before breaking down crying and having to turn back. I stayed with the first woman i met on the street. If angels would come with three kids and a husband Esther from Rumania would for sure be one of them.

Conversation between my uteris and my legs:

Legs: Hey, give us back our energy, what the heck do you think you are doing?
Uteris: Your energy? Now, you have had all the energy for days, what do you have to complain about?
Legs: Well we have to do 30 km today, and what good do you do anyway?

Between the two of them there wasn't much energy left for my brain to work.

But now I am better. I walked. Today I took it very easy. Sang in a beautiful Church. Christe Lux Mundi, in streaming sunlight through an old stone window. I love life. Last night we played cards. I beat Joe. (I just had to put it in here, hun, I just had to.) And we ate a lot of food.

My gang of people has split up, but we have formed a new group that kind of moves in the same speed. I seem to get stuck with the Australians don't I...

So the deep part of me is starting to process and work and bring thoughts and feelings up. I guess that's what a lot of this is about...


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