Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I had no idea that it was possible to endure such intense physical pain and still keep moving.

On our second day, we being my group of friends I started off with in Roncesvalles, the albergue we had planned on staying at turned out to be closed. So I ended up having to go 15 more km as the sun was setting, running down a long hill, arriving crying and exhausted to find my wonderful travelling companions waiting for me and some very good food to comfort me... (We wlk alone and meet up at night, or walk part of the way together) I was glad to have made 35 km in a day, but it wrecked my knee to the extent of me having to face some serious pain the next day. With Joe being a doctor I was quite OK though, because he didn't really allow me to complain that muc. We did some swearing together. I`m sorry guys, but contrary to the common belief, pilgrims do have to swear. I have settled for that fact. And if that is the fact, I have to pick up a swear wrod that feels OK. Joe hasn't left me much choice, though. I will be saying Fuck a duck for the rest of this trip...

I love my group. The "old guys" 45+: pink haired German Gunter, the New Yorker Richard with huge glasses (do all New Yorkers repeat their sentences, repaet it, you know, repeat it?) the loud and farting almond farmer Martin from Mallorca, and then of course the younger companion, the handsome gentleman doctor Joesph from Melbourne. Don't worry, he's got a girlfriend and he isn't my type...

I'm in Logrono, have walked 20 km and have 13 more to go today. I wouldn't be so harsch on myself if it wasn't for the fact that I can't stand being left behind by the others... And they wouldn't be so harsch on themselves if it wasn't for Martin, who is constantly claiming that every stretch of the camino will be completely flat, and that we all could walk at least 46 km without any problems...

I'm better today. Less pain. Body adjusting... I have the appetite of a small tiger. Need to find some food... The other day I ate a big plate of pasta, bread, lamb, chips, and Tarta de Santiago all in one go...

Not much time to write, gotta go. God bless, will tell you more next time I hit computer.

Ps. Planning on registering the Silly Walk de Santiago at the Ministry for silly walks... Funny how 35 km of walking can make you look like a duck.


Blogger t said...

waah, that´s so funny...yes i think as well that new yorker repeat often. I was once travelling with a band from New york (Lord Bishop- King of Sex-Rock- really impressing) from Dresden to Amsterdam. And this one guy from the band said nearly every sentence 3 times...that´s stupid, that´s stupid, that´s stupid (as we tlked about being historically aware of ones Germanness)...so they might know each other, or maybe it´s even the same guy!!!?

November 09, 2005 3:04 AM  
Blogger wild rose pilgrim said...

*laughs* definitly not a band member

November 11, 2005 9:53 AM  

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