Monday, January 09, 2006

a job! and time! and writing! and strange dreams...

I moved in Monday a week ago, and the same day I got a job! I am now working in an old people's home across the field from my house. I love it and really feel I got my dream job. The people working there are awesome, and so are the old people living there, even though some of them are very old and very sick.

I am reding much. On Church history and saints and what we can learn from them. Our brilliant Swedish author Peter Halldorf. And Tolkien of course. And journaling. And writing letters. And drinking tea. And spending much time in contemplation and silence.

So all is well, but for some weird nightmares. Last nights dream wasn't the worst of nightmares but it sure was weird... I dreamt I was watching one of those group of stupid people and one a week gets voted out- programs (obviously I had a TV in my dream!) where the participants were to train a working dog of some kind. And there was one dog who wasn't all that bright, and he got washed off by a wave when they where being pulled along on a rubber thing after a motorboat. And then there was a female participant who had misunderstood the whole working dog thing -her working dog was small and cute and treated like a baby. And for some reason all the dogs were given pets (!) and she gave hers a rat. I still have this image if how this little dog went and picked up his rat from a nest, and the rat looked dead, until the dog opened it's mouth straight into the camera and this huge rat face with gleaming red eyes looked into mine, and I just knew: the darn rat is carrying the plague!

Sure enough, soon they were scanning all the dogs pets to find out who had brought in the plague. A woman was explaining that the camels bones hadn't gone yellow, but they did find that it had very short thigh bones... And then she went to x-ray the elephant, who was a bit miserable, because he had a back pain, but that, the woman happily informed, was easily cured by acupunture...

(here my memory of this peculiar dream fortunatly trails off into darkness...)


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